Welcome to YDT Glasgow. You’ll find no judgement or pressure here and it’s 100% confidential. If your life is affected by violence, recent or in the past, we want to help put you in control of creating a safer and healthier future. No one will tell you what to do, You Decide what’s right for you. The YDT just take some of the hassle out of finding great people and services who can support you. You’ll also hopefully find some inspiration here that a brighter future is possible no matter how difficult things might seem right now. We know because we’ve seen the results! One day or day one? You decide.
Scott's story
People used to tell Scott* the life he was living would either leave him dead or in prison. After entering into recovery to help with addiction Scott is now a year clean and sober. He has his family back in his life, a home and a job. Here he talks about his journey, the work he’s put in to turning his life around and how YDT navigator Callum has supported him. Scott says, “In the space of a year my whole life has transformed…I look to the future and it blows my mind because of the opportunities I have…My past doesn’t define me, in fact it’s my greatest asset now.”
*Names have been changed
Support at the click of a button
Navigator Sam explains how the YDT can help support you and why there’s always hope
Fiona chats about how Victim Support Scotland can listen, support and help you
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Jane's Story

When the pandemic hit Jane* found herself without a job and struggling with addiction. That’s when she turned to YDT navigator Sam for support. A year on Jane is in recovery, about to start a new job and looking forward to the future. This is her story in her words.
From support with alcohol or drug addiction through to help with housing, finding work or just someone to speak to it’s all just a click away. Here are some great organisations and people in Glasgow ready to reach out.

Support for victims of violence
Helpful links
Here are some other services which may be of help:
National Domestic Abuse hotline: 0800 027 1234 – this is a 24 hour helpline
Narcotics Anonymous helpline open 10am to midnight 0300 999 1212
Alcoholics Anonymous helpline: 0800 9177 650
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs helpline: 08080 10 10 11
Citizens Advice Scotland helpline open 9am to 5pm: 0800 028 1456
National Debtline helpline open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm and Saturday 9.30am to 1pm