Welcome to YDT Dundee. You’ll find no judgement or pressure here and it’s 100% confidential. If your life is affected by violence, recent or in the past, we want to help put you in control of creating a safer and healthier future. No one will tell you what to do, You Decide what’s right for you. The YDT just take some of the hassle out of finding great people and services who can support you. You’ll also hopefully find some inspiration here that a brighter future is possible no matter how difficult things might seem right now. We know because we’ve seen the results! One day or day one? You decide.

Scott's story

People used to tell Scott* the life he was living would either leave him dead or in prison. After entering into recovery to help with addiction Scott is now a year clean and sober. He has his family back in his life, a home and a job. Here he talks about his journey, the work he’s put in to turning his life around and how YDT navigator Callum has supported him. Scott says, “In the space of a year my whole life has transformed…I look to the future and it blows my mind because of the opportunities I have…My past doesn’t define me, in fact it’s my greatest asset now.”

*Names have been changed

Support at the click of a button

Navigator Sam explains how the YDT can help support you and why there’s always hope

Fiona chats about how Victim Support Scotland can listen, support and help you

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Jane's Story

Picture of YDT logo

When the pandemic hit Jane* found herself without a job and struggling with addiction. That’s when she turned to YDT navigator Sam for support. A year on Jane is in recovery, about to start a new job and looking forward to the future. This is her story in her words.

From support with alcohol or drug addiction through to help with housing, finding work or just someone to speak to it’s all just a click away. Here are some great organisations and people in Glasgow ready to reach out.

Helpful links

Here are some other services which may be of help:

National Domestic Abuse hotline: 0800 027 1234 – this is a 24 hour helpline
Narcotics Anonymous helpline open 10am to midnight 0300 999 1212
Alcoholics Anonymous helpline: 0800 9177 650
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs helpline: 08080 10 10 11
Citizens Advice Scotland helpline open 9am to 5pm: 0800 028 1456
National Debtline helpline open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm and Saturday 9.30am to 1pm

Jane's Story

“The pandemic left me with nae job, nae money and on the brew which I hadn’t been on for years. I also had a drug habit and I just didnae know what to do. I had spent years making myself look alright on the outside and making myself think I was OK, but I wasnae. Inside I was broken and I wanted to die. I suppose I just had to get honest and who I got honest with was Sam.

“I said to her I’m no alright, I’m struggling and I wannae change. She was like OK what can we do? I started meeting up with her and we got the ball rolling to go into (rehab). I didnae wait that long to get in, but while I waited she really looked out for me because there’s stats that say before you go into rehab you’re more likely to overdose. She was picking me up and taking me to meetings.

“She drove me up to (rehab) and took all my bags in. I was in rehab for nine months and Sam came up regularly to visit me.

“Sam was just amazing. People who have been through the same things as you in their lives are the best people to help. There’s been loads of stuff that’s come up in my life and I’ve shared it with Sam and she’s been able to tell me what she’s done and I can take a lead from that and be like I can do it. It’s helped, really helped.

“I always thought when I failed at something…that the world was going to end. I’ve learned now that one door closes for another one to open. If you’ve had a slip or done something you regret that’s just life. There’s always other options and stuff out there. If you’ve had a fall just pick yourself back up and learn from that.

“I’m looking forward to the future. I always used to project into the future and be like I need to have all this stuff like a beautiful car. Now I’m just like whatever happens, happens. But you know what? I’m going to be alright.”

If you would like help from the YDT just email SVRUYouDecideProject@gmail.com

*Name has been changed to respect privacy

Victim Support Scotland contact information graphic

Victim support Scotland

Whoever you are, whatever the situation and whenever the crime took place Victim Support Scotland are there to help you. They offer free and confidential support either in person, online or over the phone. You don’t need to report the crime to receive help. They can support you emotionally, physically and financially. Assistance for the friends and family of victims is also available. VSS will listen and give you the time to talk.

Get Support

We are with you

We Are With You provide free and confidential support to anyone experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or their mental health. They work with people on their own goals, whether that’s staying safe and healthy, making a small change or stopping an unwanted habit. You are in control. If you want to chat then give We Are With You a call 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 01382 206888 or text them anytime on 07760 755673 or if you’d rather then drop them a line David.barrie@wearewithyou.org.uk

We Are With You also offer help and support if you’re worried about someone else’s drinking or drug use.

Get support

Dundee Recovery App

If you want support but don’t know where to turn then the Dundee Recovery Road Map App can help you find the right help for you or a loved one. The app has information on everything from support with mental health, to addiction and recovery as well as connections to peer mentors who understand the challenges you may be facing. The app makes finding the services and getting in touch with them easy, it even provides a map showing where services are based. Dundee has lots of great organisations and people ready to support you or your loved one, let the app help you get in touch with them. Download the android app here or the IOS version here.

Hillcrest futures logo

Hillcrest Futures

People can become homeless, or face losing their home, for lots of reasons from becoming unemployed or a relationship breaking down to health problems, alcohol or drug use. Whatever the reason Hillcrest Futures are there to offer practical support. From short stay residential services and supported accommodation to support into temporary furnished flats as well as outreach housing support. They can offer support based around what you need to ensure you have a safe place to stay.

Get support

Niven Rennie


Telephone: 01786 896785          Email: violence.reduction@scotland.pnn.police.uk

Niven has more than 30 years of operational policing experience in the United Kingdom. He joined Strathclyde Police in 1985 serving throughout the west of Scotland in a variety of ranks and positions before progressing to the rank of Chief Superintendent. Niven previously held the role of President of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents where he represented the interests of the operational leaders of policing in Scotland.

On leaving Police Scotland in 2016 Niven took up the position of Chief Executive Officer of South Ayrshire Escape from Homelessness (SeAscape).

Niven was appointed director of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit in July 2018.